This month our blog focuses on probiotics and prebiotics. Prebiotics promote good bacteria, and probiotics are the good bacteria. Prebiotics and probiotics work together to improve not only gastrointestinal health but overall optimal health.
Improving Gut Health with Probiotic and Prebiotic Supplements
What is a healthy gut microbiome? Stretching over 25 feet long with total surface area equivalent to half of a badminton court, the intestines serve as the principal site of nutrient absorption. Tiny, finger-like projections called villi line this tubular structure and account for its large surface area. The villi increase this organ’s capacity to soak up vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. However, the cells in our gut don’t do this job alone. They are aided by an entire microscopic ecosystem that exists along the walls of the intestine consisting of trillions of microorganisms. In fact, it’s estimated that these microbes outnumber our own body cells by a factor of 10! These microscopic symbiotes, organisms that live in happy harmony with our own cells, can have a profound influence on the health of many body systems.
Digestive Support: Gut microbiota aid in the breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients by secreting helpful enzymes that aren’t produced by cells of the body. Some intestinal microbes are also capable of synthesizing essential micronutrients like biotin, folic acid, and vitamin K.
Nervous Support: The gastrointestinal tract is closely associated with the central nervous system. The intricate pathway that connects these two systems is referred to as the gut-brain axis. Many gut microbes are capable of synthesizing important neurotransmitters, like serotonin. These signaling molecules can influence brain development and function, potentially affecting our ability to manage emotions and stress.
Immune Support: The gut is one of the few ports of entry through which harmful pathogens can invade the body. Because of this, the gut houses almost 70 percent of the entire immune system. When the intestines are replete with adequate numbers of healthy microbes, these symbiotes create an environment that is uninviting to harmful microbes. Habits that harm the gut microbiome can be dramatically impacted by diet, toxic load, exposure to harmful microbes, and even stress.
While probiotics and prebiotics are often employed together, they are distinct and support gut health in different ways. Probiotics are live microbes that, when ingested, colonize the gut to support its normal function. Prebiotics provide nutritional support to the microbial residents of the gut, stimulating their growth and metabolic function. Prebiotics are often natural carbohydrates that aren’t usable by human cells.
What do kefir, kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha all have in common? Not only are they all fermented foods, but they are also natural, healthy sources of probiotics. Prebiotics can be found in a variety of different fruits, vegetables, and grains. Fiber is important to feed the probiotics and maintain a healthy microbiome.
Probiotics, Prebiotics and Pets
Like humans, pets benefit from probiotics and prebiotics. The right amount of “good” bacteria is beneficial to digestive health and overall health. The microbiome supports healthy weight, hormonal balance, a strong immune system, mood, energy, and even sound sleep. Daily replenishment of these microorganisms is imperative.
What is the best probiotic supplement for people?
PB Restore supports the entire body's microbiome.
doTERRA PB Restore ProBiome Complex
Your microbiome functions like an invisible organ. It’s a vast and diverse ecosystem of microbes that are essential to wellness. Key to microbiome function is proper microbial diversity and balance, with a high ratio of good bacteria to bad. The body’s natural aging process can disrupt your microbiome, along with an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep schedule, and stressful lifestyle. Augmenting a wellness lifestyle with supplementation can help restore microbiome health.
doTERRA PB Restore ProBiome Complex is a unique formulation of 30 pre-, pro-, and postbiotics and bacteriophages that help restore microbial diversity and balance for optimal microbiome health and overall wellness.* The 18 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) of probiotics, or good bacteria, consist of 24 active cultures—an unparalleled variety of carefully selected strains from 22 different species—for exceptional microbial diversity.* The prebiotic fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and bacteriophages help achieve and maintain microbial balance by encouraging the growth of good bacteria and selectively attacking the bad.* The postbiotic—made up of bioactive compounds produced from healthy bacteria—provides additional health benefits.*
The doTERRA PB Restore dual-chamber, time-released delivery system supports the body throughout the day.* It aids digestive comfort, micronutrient synthesis, gut barrier integrity, and healthy metabolism.* Metabolites produced by the bacterial strains in doTERRA PB Restore have been shown to support skin health, the respiratory and immune systems, and a healthy inflammatory response.* Early research on certain ingredients—including L. Rhamnosus CRL 1505, the postbiotic in doTERRA PB Restore—indicates they may also help with brain, cardiovascular, urological, and metabolite function, as well as a healthy DNA response to oxidative stress.*
The best way to give your pet Prebiotics and Probiotics:
A daily supplement (pills, treats, or powders are common) made for pets, given with their food. PB Restore is a perfect option for pets who can swallow a capsule whole. Balanced dog or cat food that is formulated with pre- and probiotics.
Dr. Frezzo has two Facebook pages with important information on Prebiotics and Probiotics and essential oil recommendations for gut health in people and pets. As well as information on pets and pet health. Go to Vet In Heights and Dr. Mia Frezzo Essential Oil Expert
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.